Target Goals

Basili and Rombach [Basili-88] define a Goal/Question/Metric paradigm that provides an excellent mechanism for defining a goal-based measurement program.  Figure 3 illustrates the Goal/Question/Metric paradigm.

The second step in setting up a metrics program is to select one or more measurable goals. The goals we select to use in the Goal/Question/Metric will vary depending on the level we are considering for our metrics. At the organizational
level, we typically examine high-level strategic goals like being the low cost provider, maintaining a high level of

customer satisfaction, or meeting projected revenue or profit margin target.  At the project level, we typically look at goals that emphasize project management and control issues or project level requirements and objectives.  These goals typically reflect the project success factors like on time delivery, finishing the project within budget or delivering software with the required level of quality or performance. At the specific task level, we consider goals that emphasize task success factors.  Many times these are expressed in terms of the entry and exit criteria for the task.

Software metrics programs must be designed to provide the specific information necessary to manage software projects and improve software engineering processes and services. Organizational, project, and task goals are determined in advance and then metrics are selected based on those goals. The metrics are used to determine our effectiveness in meeting these goals.

When talking to our customers, we may find many of their individual needs are related to the same goal
or problem but expressed from their perspective or in the terminology of their specialty. Many times, what we hear is their frustrations.

For example, the Project Manager may need to improve the way project schedules are estimated. The Functional Manager is worried about late deliveries.  The practitioners complain about overtime and not having enough time to do things correctly.  The Test Manager states that by the time the test group gets the software it’s too late to test it completely before shipment.

When selecting metrics, we need to listen to these customers and, where possible, consolidate their various goals or problems into statements that will help define the metrics that are needed by our organization or team.

In our example, all these individuals are asking for an improved and realistic schedule estimation process

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